Central register of wills
The Central Registry of Wills is managed by the Slovene Chamber of Notaries under Article 108 a of the Notary Act. More accurate provisions regarding the entry and access in the Central Registry of Wills, as well as the obligations of the applicant are established in the Regulation of the Central Registry for Last Will (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia no. 2/2007, 64/2008 in 37/2009). The register has been established on the 15th of October 2007, whereas the Decision on establishing a register is published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia no. 90 from 5.10.2007.
The Central Registry of Wills contains information about last wills, which are worded in the form of a notarial deed; wills, which are deposited with the notary's; wills, which are drawn up by an advocate or are deposited with him or her; judicial wills and wills, which are deposited with the Court of Justice in accordance with the provisions of the Act that regulates the inheritance.
The easiest and fastest way to submit an electronic request for register entry or extract is via Central Register of Will's website. To use the online application and submit a request you need a digital certificate, Internet Explorer version 6 or later (for higher security version 7 or later is recommended) and Windows XP or later. More information and help can be found on the following address: www.registeroporok.si/pomoc.
Requests for register entries or extracts can also be submitted on forms prescribed by the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia.
Dully completed forms are to be sent to the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia to the following address: Notarska zbornice Slovenije, Tavčarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana (Register of Wills).
The Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia is entitled to financial compensation for register entries and extracts:
- to register a will the testator is charged EUR 41,00
- any later entry costs EUR 23,00;
- to obtain an extract the applicant is charged EUR 23,00.
All the above fees are VAT exclusive and are not subject to VAT taxation for the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia (Value Added Tax Act-1 - fifth paragraph of Article 5).
The fees are to be paid to a current account of the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia: TRR: 33000-6681150374
Tax number: 66811503. The Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia is not subject to VAT.