Entries into land register
In the Republic of Slovenia, a person becomes the owner of a real estate or holder of any other right in rem on the basis of a legal transaction only after being registered in the land register first. Merely a contract or a deed is not sufficient - you need a land register proposal, according to which the Land Registration Court will issue an order for entry of the ownership right. To register the ownership right or any other right in rem in the land register you must obtain a valid land register permission ('registration clause'), issued by the owner of the real estate or the other right in rem. The registration clause is an explicit, unconditional declaration by a person, whose right is being transferred, altered, encumbered or extinguished permitting an entry in the land register. His/her signature must be notarised (unless the registration clause is included in the contract concluded in the form of a notarial deed). The registration clause can already be included in the purchase agreement or it can be, after specific conditions stated in the contract are fulfilled, submitted subsequently.
A land register proposal has to be filed on behalf of applicant by notary as the authorised representative of the applicant. When notarial deed is made or signature is notarised on the document which contains the land registry permission, notary has to instruct the party that he/she will immediately file the land register proposal on the basis of that land registry permission, unless the parties explicitly express their disagreement.